Frequently Asked Questions
Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions newcomers and guests have about St. Martin’s and worship at Episcopal churches in general.
What should I expect on my first visit?
Expect a smiling face to greet you at the door at Saturday or Sunday worship services. Please know that we understand that people want to feel welcomed but not pressured on their first visit to a new church. We have greeters who will help you find your way around. They will assist you to the restrooms and nursery and Sunday school locations. After the 10:30 am Sunday services we have refreshments, usually coffee and donuts. You are invited to join us in a friendly atmosphere for learning about others.
What can I expect during an Episcopal worship service?
Episcopal churches in the United States use the Book of Common Prayer to guide their worship. As such, we have traditional worship with hymns, scripture, and a short homily (sermon). St. Martin’s makes following worship easy by providing a service bulletin at each service that details the entire service.
Who can take communion in your church?
The principal worship service in the Episcopal Church is called the Holy Eucharist (also called Holy Communion). Every person who joins with us in worship, and is prepared in their own conscience to receive Christ in this way, is welcome to share in the bread and wine of Holy Communion with us. This is a symbolic meal around a table, just like the disciples shared with Jesus at the Last Supper. Visitors who do not wish to receive communion may come to the altar rail to receive a blessing from the clergy. No matter where you are on your journey of faith, you are welcome at this table.