Epiphany Pageant

During the 10:30 am Worship service on January 7, we will celebrate The Epiphany with a pageant! A light lunch will be provided afterwards in the large parish hall. 

Epiphany Pageant

There’s still time to participate!

Children & their parents, please meet for Epiphany pageant practice on Sunday, Dec. 17, after the 10:30 service, We’ll be assigning costumes then.

On January 7, please meet in the large parish hall at 9:15 am to get dressed in costumes before the pageant. We have plenty of spots available for the angel Gabriel, Joseph, angels, prophets, shepherds, and sheep. Costumes are provided, however, if you have an angel or shepherd type costume at home, feel free to wear that to church. Parents, please plan to help dress your child so we can have everyone ready in time. Pageant rehearsal times in December/January will be announced via email. Please let Ms. Liza know if your child would like to participate in the pageant, liza.goodner@stmartininthefields.org.

The actual pageant will occur at the time of the sermon. Children dressed as designated costumes will be called by the Narrator to process to the front of the church.

If you have any questions, please contact liza.goodner@stmartininthefields.org.