Vacation Bible School 2024

Scuba VBS!

June 10-13, 5:30– 8pm

Children will dive into an amazing undersea adventure where they’ll experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God. At Scuba VBS, kids will be immersed in God’s love and discover what living water is all about! Each day, Children will have a blast rotating through Bible story, Imagination Station (Science), games, movie, and snack stations. All children will learn a bible point each day.

Register Today

Register early! Space is limited and shirts are ordered ahead of time to ensure correct sizes!


We need lots of volunteers to help decorate, be crew leaders, and to clean up at the end! Youth volunteers can earn community service hours. Volunteers 18 or older must be Safeguarding Certified before the beginning of VBS. Register early!

Supplies and Donations

It takes many hands and materials to pull off our amazing VBS worlds! You can help by making a donation. In the coming months, you’ll be able to pick up an item card at the back of church, purchase (or loan) the item and return it by the due date, or make a monetary donation using the online form below. (Checks – be sure to write “VBS Donation” in the memo)

VBS Outreach Project 

Each year during VBS we choose an outreach project. Outreach helps to teach children about God’s love for them, and how to spread that love to others. Through outreach programs we literally reach out to those in our community in need of help.This year, we are continuing St. Martin’s mission of collecting canned corn, benefiting families served by 4Saints & Friends Episcopal Food Pantry. Families shop for necessary food items each week at the Pantry, and corn is a staple item. 

Drop off your donations

Your VBS donations of canned corn may be brought in anytime through Sunday June 16.

  • Have your child bring corn to VBS – we’ll have a donation drop box
  • Bring donations to church – they can be placed in the wagon in the narthex as you are coming into church
  • Drop them by the office anytime during office hours

The corn will be blessed during the 10:30 am service on June 16.

To donate money, please choose “VBS Donation” from the drop-down menu. Thank you for your generosity!