Sunday, February 2, 10:30 am
We welcome all Scouts: girls, boys and cubs, to gather with their families to St. Martin’s for the 10:30 am worship service as we celebrate the birthday of Boy Scouts of America, which was founded on February 8, 1910. Scout Sunday is traditionally held on the first Sunday of February, or whichever Sunday falls before February 10. All Scouts will receive a commemorative 2025 patch for their uniforms!
At 10:15 am, youth and adults from Troop 937 will lead us in a flag ceremony. Worship will begin at 10:30 during which scouts and leaders will read scriptures from the Old & New Testament. After the Peace, scouts will lead us in “The Scoutmaster Minute,” and will then assist ushers with the Offertory.
All Scout families are all welcome to participate in Holy Communion. If you don’t wish to receive the sacraments, simply fold your arms over your chest for a blessing instead!
Special instructions for scout families:
- Please arrive by 10 am and find your seat in the first 3 reserved pews for scouts and families.
If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Chartered Organization Representative Liza Goodner at Looking forward to seeing you there!