Join us for a Contemplative Christmas at 7 pm on Thursday, December 21.
The holidays are often the loneliest time of the year for those who have experienced recent loss in their lives. And sometimes that makes it hard to feel the joy of Christmas. This Contemplative Christmas service allows us to celebrate the birth of Christ, even in the midst of our grief.
God already knows what we struggle with and wants us to place these pains and sorrows at the foot of the Cross. Christ has taken these upon himself, and we can find wholeness and healing when we are ready. As we bring our grief and our pain to God, may we experience God’s love, God’s comfort, and God’s peace.
If you are unable to make it to the service, or if praying is difficult this night, we invite you to keep this program and return to this prayer, as you are able:
Gracious God, only source of life and health: Help, comfort, and relieve me, and give your power of healing to those who minister to my needs; that my weakness may be turned to strength and confidence in your loving care; for the sake of Jesus Christ. Amen.