Advent – Christmas – Epiphany

Schedule of Services and Events

St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church offers unique and meaningful ways to share with each other, serve the needy, and connect with the holy.

We welcome you to all of our services and offerings from Advent through Epiphany.


Advent Services and Offerings

“Advent” means “coming.” Do come! Whether you are just visiting, curious about Christianity, looking for a church home, or searching for a community that will embrace you as you are, we welcome you warmly and unconditionally. There is room at St. Martin’s for you. Come share your faith journey with us. Be a part of what God is doing among our people and in our larger community.

December 1: The first Sunday of Advent 

8:30 & 10:30 am: Holy Eucharist services
9:30 am: Christian Formation
11:30am: Advent Wreath Making – please join us in the large parish hall for sandwiches as we make Advent wreaths to take home! We’ll also have Advent calendars and children’s activity books to hand out.
11:30 am: Daughters of the King informational class in the Library

December 8: The Second Sunday of Advent

8:30 am: Holy Eucharist services
9:30 am: Christian Formation
10:30 am: Holy Eucharist with Children’s Choir
11:30 am: St. Nicholas Day Celebration – We’ll decorate cookies & have photos with St. Nick in the large parish hall. All are welcome!
12 pm: Service Sunday

December 15: The Third Sunday of Advent

8:30 & 10:30 am: Holy Eucharist  services
9:30 am: Christian Formation
12 pm: Blessing Bags
5-6 pm: Scouts Winter Food Drive
5 pm: Christmas Caroling

December 22: The Fourth Sunday of Advent

8:30 am: Holy Eucharist services
9:30 am: Christian Formation
10:30 am: Holy Eucharist with Lessons & Carols – In this lovely service, we hear the story of the fall of humanity, the promise of the Messiah, and the birth of Jesus in a series of nine readings from the Bible interspersed with hymns, carols and choral music.


Christmas Services

We invite you to join us at any of our services as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.


Each year at Christmas, we adorn the church with poinsettias and publish dedications for thanksgiving and memorials in our bulletins. If you would like to make a dedication, please fill out the form here.

Tuesday, December 24: Christmas Eve

3 pm: Simple Spoken Service – Sometimes the lights and sounds of a bustling Christmas are just too much for us. This service, open to all, is especially designed to offer a prayerful atmosphere of peaceful and calm reflection, with a message of hope and healing.

4 pm: Family Service with Holy Eucharist (and Livestreamed) Join us to hear a Christmas message shared with families and children in a kid-friendly, interactive way. After worship, please join us for cookies and cocoa! Nursery for 0-3 year olds for this service is available.

7 pm: Holy Eucharist – Join us for a traditional service with Christmas hymns, a homily, and Holy Communion. Nursery for 0-3 year olds for the 7 pm services is available.

10:30 pm: Holy Eucharist with Incense – Join us for a traditional service with Christmas hymns, a homily, and Holy Communion. There will be incense! The smoke we see rising from the burning incense is the physical representation of our prayers rising to God, and the aroma we smell reminds us to live our lives as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.  

Wednesday, December 25: Christmas Day

10:30 am: Holy Eucharist – (also Livestreamed) Join us for this simple, spoken worship service as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.

December 29: The first Sunday after Christmas Day

8:30 & 10:30 am: Holy Eucharist

January 5: The Epiphany

8:30 am: Holy Eucharist
10:30 am: Holy Eucharist & Epiphany Pageant