Evangelism Charter for the Episcopal Church

Following the guidelines of The Episcopal Church, St. Martin’s invites you to use their tools and practices of evangelism. You already have the skills you need.

Episcopalians are passionate about proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ in our words and actions. Through the spiritual practice of evangelism, we seek, name and celebrate Jesus’ loving presence in the stories of all people – then invite everyone to MORE. – episcopalchurch.org

Read, study and follow the guidelines here.
Introducing a Practical Theology of Episcopal Evangelism
Are you interested in an Evangelism Study Group? One is in the works! Please contact Ron Hitchcock at ronhitch33@gmail.com or 972-741-4064 if you’d like to participate, or have any questions about evangelism.

If you invite God into your life, beware. There may be no going back. If you open your life to God’s Holy Spirit – if you dare to pray, with your heart, “Come Holy Spirit,” there is no knowing where the Spirit may lead you. This I do know: God did not create you to live life in the shallows, to fritter your life away. God created you to be fully alive. -Br. Geoffrey Tristram, Society of Saint John the Evangelist