Choir Practice

Vocal Workshop

Monday, July 8 at 7:30 pm

Even if you are not already in the choir, we invite anyone high school age and up to attend our Vocal Workshop. We’ll meet promptly at 7:30 pm in the Choir Loft.

We may sing some hymns, but the emphasis will be on singing technique.  Everyone will push the boundaries of their ability in a fun atmosphere!

Get Involved!

Bob Duquesnel, our choir director, and the current members of the choir would like to extend an invitation to anyone who would like to sing with us in the loft on Sundays at the 10:30 am service. We’ve made room for about 20 singers to supplement the joyful music the congregation makes, singing of our Salvation and giving glory in gratitude to God!

We meet at 9:30 am each Sunday and review that day’s music as well as things we’ll sing on future Sundays. No other rehearsal night is planned but we will have some optional after service workshops for whatever needs arise. These will vary depending on the parish calendar and are intended to help you if you desire to develop your talents.

Please don’t feel obligated if your life only allows intermittent attendance. Just know that in all our parish’s music we experience divine intervention at the intersection of heaven and earth!

For more information, please contact

Registration isn’t required, but it sure helps us keep track of everyone!