Building True Community

Building True Community: The Life and Legacy of The Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray

Please join us on the second Sundays of each month in the library at noon for this study offered by St. Martin’s Daughter’s of the King.

The Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray (1910-1985) was a pioneering American civil rights activist, lawyer, poet, and writer. They were known for their significant contributions to both the civil rights and women’s rights movements, including as a founder of the National Organization for Women (NOW.) Murray was also the first African American woman ordained in the Episcopal Church. They were what is now termed “gender queer,” someone who does not follow the binary norms of the gender in which they were born. All these attributes make Murray a fascinating and important Episcopalian to know. Murray was made a saint of The Episcopal Church in 2018. Their feast day is celebrated on July 1.

The curriculum for this study was created by the Pauli Murray Center and covers four topics: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Historic Ordination, Eucharistic Celebration and Interconnectedness, and Integrated Body, Mind, and Spirit. We’ll explore Murray’s writing along with audio and video about their ministry.

This study is offered by St. Martin’s Daughters of the King Deborah Chapter, and we invite all adults to join us.

Meetings will be held on four Sundays following services: September 10, October 8, November 12, and December 10 at approximately 12 noon. (We will allow time for Service Sunday participation and to get snacks and coffee before we begin.)

We’ll meet in the Library, at the back of the large (East) Parish Hall.

Childcare can be provided if needed. Please contact the office at or call 817-431-2396 to arrange.