The Bread Ministry is an important part of St. Martin’s mission of radical hospitality. Members bake bread to share with new guests at our church, along with a little information about our church and worship services. The bread ministry strives to let newcomers know that we are very glad they chose to be with us, and that we hope they will become a part of our church community.
The bread ministry group feels that the love and hospitality shown to newcomers by baking bread reflects the Christian belief that is embodied in the phrase “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” [Matthew 7:12]
Bread bakers will bake several loaves of bread & bring them to church. Some of the bread is also used to help feed the homeless through our Service Sunday ministry for Union Gospel Mission.
Get Involved! The Bread Ministry has no regular meetings, and communicates mostly by email or phone. This ministry has a very valuable place in our church, and many families have responded that they really felt welcome at St. Martin’s because of the wonderful bread that was shared with them! If you would like to be a part of this ministry, please contact Flo Lowrey at