Vestry Minutes – 9/15/2024
St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry Meeting September 15, 2024
For a pdf of financials, please click here
Present: Alan Bentrup – Rector, Mary Beth Butler – Senior Warden, Rick Schulz – Jr. Warden, Dick Seeber – Jr. Warden, DJ Mitchell – Treasurer, Bob Bess, Carlie Briggs, Shawn Casey, Eloise Frye, Bob Garrity, Rebecca Haynes, Elizabeth Jordan via Zoom, Tina Morehead – Clerk pro tem, Gary Wilkinson – Finance Committee Chair.
Also Present: Linda Seeber, Sue Mitchell, Liza Goodner, Max Poveda – Eagle Scout Candidate, Larissa Poveda
Not Present: Gavin Tomlin – Curate, Bryan Hedrick, Glenda Morehead – Clerk
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday September 15, 2024 at 12 PM in the West Parish Hall.
The meeting opened with prayer at 12:01 PM by the Rector who chaired the meeting.
Presentation of Eagle Scout Project Request
Max Poveda, Scout Troup 937, shared his proposal to provide upkeep in the Memorial Garden including planning and installation of a paved walkway to provide access to the columbarium, benches and other features already in place in the garden. Time frame for work is November or December of this year. Liza Goodner will connect Max with members of the Memorial Garden Committee to coordinate his work with their expertise of the existing installations. He will revise his plan to include that the garden is an active cemetery, and will revise it accordingly before turning in to his Scout troop for approval.
DJ Mitchell moved that Max’s proposal be approved by the Vestry. Bob Bess seconded and the motion carried.
Consideration of the Minutes
DJ Mitchell moved the minutes of August 18, 2024, vestry meeting be approved as corrected. Dick Seeber seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Finance Committee Report and Acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report
Notes from the Committee Meeting: St Martin’s cash position remains consistent as expected. Though non-pledge income is a bit behind budget year to date, that is to be expected and committee is confident will resolve itself before year end.
Update on the Annual Financial Review: Wilkinson reported that the Annual Review documents were sent to the Diocese prior to September 1st deadline. As of September 14, 2024 we have not received any feedback from the Diocese.
Treasurer’s Report Accepted: DJ Mitchell moved the Treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. Dick Seeber seconded the motion and the report was accepted.
Junior Wardens’ Reports
The report prepared by Rick Schulz is attached to and made a part of these minutes.
Update on water leaks in education building: Dick Seeber reported that all water leaks have been repaired. A list of damaged ceiling tiles needing to be replaced will be sent to roof contractor to be added to scope of work for roof replacement.
Ceiling and roof repairs in Parish Hall: Contractor chosen to do work on roof replacement, Dave Poppennsee, has been working with insurance company to ensure all items needing repair are included in claim. Materials to replace the roof are to arrive on Thursday September 19, 2024. The natural gas line entrance has to be corrected to meet current code, including the natural gas pipe being be painted yellow instead of the red that was required when building was initially built. HVAC units that are located on the roof of the building must be removed before roof can be replaced. 4 of the 6 are not working and need to be replaced now. Rick Schulz was instructed to get bids on the 2 new AC units after insurance company agrees to pay for 4 damaged units. The Rector and Wardens will review bids and execute contract for new units. Per the Rector, Vestry has previously voted to replace all AC units so no further vote is required. The ceiling tiles and grids will need to be updated to current 2 foot x 2 foot standard for new construction in building (we currently have old 2 foot x 4 foot standard). Contractor will see if part of that expense will be covered by insurance claim on roof.
Senior Warden’s Report
The written report of Senior Warden Mary Beth Butler is attached to and made a part of these minutes
Rector’s Report
The Rector’s written report is attached to and made a part of these minutes.
Stewardship Campaign: The packet with Stewardship materials for this year is being assembled and will be mailed to the congregation the last week of September. Ingathering will once more be during The Feast of St. Martin on November 10, 2024.
Master Plan Update: DJ Mitchell shared his findings from visiting SteelCase showroom in Dallas. They provide “de-mountable” walls and modular office space. Changing to that method will not require moving of plumbing or walls and work could be done and completed over a long weekend. SteelCase is working on a bid to meet our needs for office spaces and classroom space. Current children’s bathrooms will be incorporated into Nursery area and only accessible from the Nursery.
One change to Master Plan is that after renovations the hall with offices and childcare will be locked down on weekends. Unless parishioners have children in childcare or work in childcare, they will not have access to that hallway as an update to security processes. Also, a review will be made of SafeGuarding training certificates on hand. Unless one has a valid and current SafeGuarding certificate on file as issued by Diocese of Texas, they cannot work with children in our parish.
The Rector announced that part of Gavin Tomlin’s training as a Curate includes leading a Vestry meeting. This will take place before year end.
The meeting was closed in prayer by the Rector at 1:21 P.M.
Bob Bess moved the meeting be adjourned, DJ Mitchell seconded and the motion passed.
Respectfully submitted, Tina Morehead
Clerk Pro Tem