Church Wide Work Days:

July 10 & July 24


Come and lend a hand on either or both Saturdays from 8:30 – 11:30 am to take advantage of the cooler morning temperatures.

We need your help for just a few hours in order to keep our grounds in tip-top shape! (And to look our best for the new rector!) We’ll tackle several jobs around the church, including weeding, trimming bushes, and cleaning inside the church and parish halls. We’ll have a full list of projects as well as supplies when you arrive.

We hope you and your family will join us – and don’t forget to bring your favorite tools. Some snacks and bottled water will be provided.

We will be asking that COVID protocols be maintained when you are close to others. Please wear your mask and keep 6 feet apart.

Bonus – youth can earn service hours! Just see Bob Bess or Chris Mullaney while you’re there.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please email Bob at or Chris at

Thanks for your support!

Bob Bess and Chris Mullaney

Junior Wardens

Please let us know you’re coming! It will help us determine how much food to order. Thank you!