Dear Parish Family,
On Sunday, October 5, the Stewardship Ministry Team at St. Martin-in-the-Fields, chaired by Aubrey Hardman, will kick off our annual giving campaign, “Walking the Way.”
Over the course of the next seven weeks, we will journey together in exploring how the practice of intentional giving deepens our walk with Christ and supports life-giving ministries to our community and beyond. Day by day, week by week, people in and around St. Martin’s experience their life of faith in new and deeper ways through your commitment. Your generosity generates mission and changes lives.
Here is our road map for the next seven weeks of our Walking the Way Campaign:
- Beginning on Sunday, October 5 and continuing through Sunday, November 9, you will find reflections written by Episcopal stewardship leaders across the country, covering stewardship and faithful giving in connection with the Gospel reading of the day in your worship bulletin. We will use these reflections for prayer, study, and discussion during the Rector’s forum gathering.
- Each Sunday, from October 5 through November 9, we will hear stories of personal transformation through the practice of intentional giving from your fellow parishioners.
- On Sunday, October 12, you will receive your pledge packet via the preference you selected last year (i.e., electronic, hardcopy or both). For those of you who are new to St. Martin’s or did not select a preference last year, we will have both online and printed packets available. Pray over what your pledge will be over the next seven weeks and submit your 2015 pledge on or before Sunday, November 16.
- On November 16, we will celebrate Commitment Sunday, the culmination of the journey, when pledges will be completed and offered as an act of worship.
We have set a goal of receiving 100% of pledge commitments from our worshipping community. We will be in intentional prayer that all will remain open to letting the Holy Spirit lead and guide us in a faithful response. We will pray that your giving will come from a deep abiding sense of gratitude for the gift of this community and the gift we have in Jesus, the one who does not leave our side in our walk of faith.
Thank you for walking the Way in hope and faith. Blessings in your journey.
Yours in Christ,
Your Stewardship Ministry Team