Present: Bob Bess, Bob Garrity, D.J. Mitchell, Kristy Pemberton, the Very Rev. Ron Pogue (Interim Rector), Linda Seeber, Christopher DeClerk, Becky Snell, Keen Haynes, Julie Sutton
This special meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Field Episcopal Church was held Sunday, September 20, 2020 virtually via zoom meeting. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Very Rev. Ron Pogue at 12:30 p.m.
Absent: Ben Taylor and Christopher Mullaney
Also Present: Paula Jefferson, Sue Mitchell and Gary Wilkinson
Congregational guests: Linda Snow, Jennifer Varley
Consideration of Vestry Minutes from previous meetings:
Minutes from the September 20, 2020 meeting were approved as distributed.
Father Ron asked that all vestry members confirm email receipt of the piano gift and moving expense update. All confirmed.
Finance Committee Report:
The committee met on October 17, 2020
- Wilkinson presented a new IT contract to assist with new website and continued maintenance. The company is called Status 26 and they can build the new website as well as migrate our current data. The cost is $104.00 monthly, the committee reviewed the financials and agreed we can afford this reoccurring cost and will add it into the 2021 budget.
- The church office will communicate to Status 26 going forward on any needed changes to the website. Some items are easily updated by our church staff.
- Snell requested that at least one staff member be trained on how to maintain website so we are not stuck in the event Status 26 goes out of business.
- The committee suggests a Thanksgiving offering and the Vestry agrees we need to proceed with that as well as a Christmas offering. The committee will begin to put the holiday package together for the congregation.
The Vestry approved the expense and the holiday package.
Treasurer’s Report:
All were given copies of the budget and treasures report.
- Revenue, pledges are on plan. We are ¾ of the way through the calendar year and everything is on track.
- Expenses are up for building and grounds as well as music, but they will level off and should stay within budget for the year.
- We need to watch the budget closely, if we stick to the budget, we will end 2020 right where we want it.
- Still no news on the PPE loan,
Financial and Treasurer’s Report Approved:
Approved by all
Rector search committee:
Sue Mitchell reporting presented.
- All were given a draft of the profile; the search committee needs the Vestry to do the initial review and report back and ideas and or corrections. Email Sue with thoughts.
- Some items are missing and will be added.
- Sue asked if the education section should be called Christian Education and Father Ron said yes.
- Sutton asked what the normal presentation is, detail vs narrative and Father Ron said it is normally in a summary but can be narrative if we so choose.
- Sutton also asked if the school closure will remain as a permanent closure in the document, right now it appears it is leaving the option open for a future re-open. By not being definitive we are sending a mixed message for the future rector. We need to be clear, some rectors would love the idea of a school where other would not.
- The second draft will be ready for the next vestry meeting.
All acknowledge the receipt of the draft profile.
Scout update:
- DeClerk reported that recruiting is still underway.
- The scouts have had a few socially distanced campouts including everyone in their own tents. We all agreed this is good for the moral of our youth.
- 3:00 trash pickup is happening today and will cover the church property as well as surrounding areas on Pearson.
- November 1st will be the popcorn selling opportunity as well as online orders.
Stewardship Report:
61 pledges are in so far and the amount pledged is around $270k, the total for 2020 was $392k. 55 that pledged in 2020 have not pledged yet. More info will be sent to the vestry in the weeks to come.
Endowment fund update:
The initial meeting occurred, and documents have been distributed. The next meeting is set for October 22nd at 7p.
Snell reported that all the VPIC assignments are full for the remainder of 2020.
Senior Warden update:
Haynes reported.
- Haynes and DJ are working with Canon Waggoner on the compensation package for the future Rector.
- The Vestry recommendations are in and the committee will meet next week to go over names and do the initial outreach.
Junior Warden update:
Bess reported
- The roof was inspected by our insurance adjuster and he wants visual proof of the damage. The problem is we have already repaired the initial damage. Bess will work with the adjuster on damage and replacement.
- The old security system is up and running. 3 out of the 8 cameras are operational.
- The new system is still in the information gathering stage.
- Bess and Chuck Ambrose went over the wiring needs for the 2 new TV screens for the Nave. Cat6 cables will need to be ran for that. They anticipate the new TVs will be operational by January 2021.
- The sprinkler system needed repair, it cost $300.00 to have the controller reprogramed. It is still not working properly and watering to frequently, Bess advised the water bill will be increased due to this malfunction.
Curate Report:
Paula Jefferson reported on pastoral care, ministries are still under way and going great.
- Human flourishing for difficult conversations meeting happened last week, 13 attended.
- Lectionary series, Forward Looking continuing, 8 attended last week.
- EYC, Movie night is planned for October 30th.
- Jefferson has written a morning prayer liturgy for Thanksgiving and is excited about that.
- Ordination is set for December 15th at SMITF. Father Ron will check to see if any congregation wants to attend, parking lot provisions will need to be made.
- Snell mentioned the lectionary link on the website is very hard to find, can it be sent back out?
Interim Rector’s Report:
- The space in the school area was reviewed by the staff and a proposal for re-occupying the space was discussed, the diagram will be sent by email to the vestry.
- Sutton asked if we should donate the older computer equipment. We agreed that needs to be done, the equipment is very outdated, but someone could use it.
- The Charters have been mailed out for review by the Vestry. A few are still missing but Father Ron mentioned those are areas that are not currently functioning. When they resume the charters will be looked at.
- A Charter needs to be developed for personnel as well as one for building and grounds.
- Snell is concerned about the inconsistency in the Charters as well as missing information. This needs to be looked at in the Vestry review.
- Worship for the remainder of 2020:
- All saints service will still occur with names being read. Father Ron is going to see if the children will do some artwork and Joe will do special music.
- No Thanksgiving service this year.
- The 1st Sunday of advent will not have a processional this year but will have the Litany.
- One Christmas service this year and the lessons and carols will be recorded.
- Sutton asked what we say to potential Vestry candidates about the future of Vestry meetings, the Zoom feature is convenient even when travelling. Father Ron said this is the way of the future, but to realize some meetings will need to be had face to face.
Adjournment and Closing Prayer:
The Meeting was adjourned with prayer by Seeber.
Respectfully submitted,
Kristy Pemberton, Clerk