Each year during Vacation Bible School (VBS), we choose an outreach project. Outreach helps to teach children about God’s love for them, and how to spread that love to others. Through outreach programs we literally reach out to those in our community in need of help.
This year, we are collecting individually packaged bars of soap for the homeless, including children and families, who are served by Presbyterian Night Shelter, an organization in Fort Worth dedicated to helping the homeless find permanent housing.
Hygiene and health are intimately interwoven, and poor hygiene is an inevitable result of homelessness. Establishing proper hygiene is key to a sense of self and better health.
The soap will be placed in “soap sacks” handmade with love by the St. Martin’s Prayer Shawl Ministry. The sacks not only store the soap but also serve as a wash cloth.
Drop off your donations
Your donations of individually packaged soap bars may be brought in anytime through Sunday July 28.
- Have your child bring soap to VBS – we’ll have a donation drop box
- Bring donations to church – they can be placed at the foot of the altar
- Drop them by the office anytime during office hours
The soap, along with the soap sacks, will be blessed during the 10:30 am service on July 28.