The men at the Union Gospel Mission have a need, and it’s a need that the men at St. Martin-in-the-Fields can fill in a very personal way: they need your shoes!
So why just men’s shoes? Seems that men hold onto their clothes longer than women do, so donations of shoes from men is more of a trickle than a tsunami. The UGM men need a tsunami of shoes!
Here’s the plan: each man in the congregation goes through his closet and finds a gently used pair of shoes that don’t fit exactly right or are not being worn for some reason or another. These shoes are brought to St. Martin’s in December for delivery to the UGM. The donor then agrees to pray for the man at UGM who will literally be “walking in your shoes.” Your prayers will be for all of God’s blessings to go to the man who has your shoes. (If you don’t have a gently used pair, a new pair in your size can be purchased instead). Shoes will be collected beginning December 1 through December 29 and delivered to UGM December 30 (plan to go with us!) You will see the collection box as you enter the church There is also a big white collection box in the Education building.
We are asking that you write a note to go with your pair of shoes letting your recipient know that you are praying for him to receive God’s blessings.
And what a blessing that will be!