The Blessing of a Peanut Butter Sandwich
If you make a peanut butter sandwich…you’ll see parents and teens laughing, spending time together and smiling.
If you give that sandwich to someone who is hungry…you reclaim that child of God, who was forgotten by many.
If you write a prayer card for someone at Union Gospel’ll connect with someone you may never see, but whose life will be changed forever.
If you drive to Fort Worth to deliver lunches…you’ll realize that there are people in need very close to you.
If you design and decorate a lunch sack…you’ll see that anyone can be an artist and create something quite beautiful.
If you donate supplies for sack lunches…you provide nourishment that feeds more than the body.
If the Episcopal Youth Community invites everyone to help make lunches for the homeless ….they share God’s love and the call to be servant leaders.
Want to know more? Click on the “serve” menu tab on the website toolbar for more information about this ministry!