Teen News – November

Hey teens drop what you’re doing and head over to the Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) room in the large parish hall at 10:15 am on Sundays. We welcome 7 – 12 graders and their friends for teen Sunday school. We’ll return to church for the Peace.
We are using an exciting interactive Episcopal curriculum called “Exploring the Bible.” Exploring the Bible is based on the book The Path, which teaches essential bible stories while making the Bible accessible to all. See you Sunday!

Hey, adults – we need you too!

Volunteer to help with our teen programs and be a part of this exciting ministry. We need two adults (youth leader plus one adult) each for Sunday school, EYC meetings, and Sunday Funday outings. Volunteers don’t have to be parents! Sharing your presence with teens is rewarding for you and inspiring for them. Sign up here or contact our Children’s Minister at liza.goodner@stmartininthefields.org.

Ahead in November:

  • Update on EYC Wednesday night meetings: EYC Nights are currently on hold. Please stay tuned for any updates on EYC Nights through Teen monthly news, e-news, emails, and the St. Martin’s FB page.
  • November 3: Family Worship Service and All Saints’ Parade. 
  • November 10: Service Sunday: Please join us as we assemble sandwiches and bags of food for the homeless served by Union Gospel Mission! If you are able, please donate grape jelly, nut-free cookies, granola bars or rice treats, and ziplock style sandwich bags. We greatly appreciate your donations! Want to help in another way? Be an Early Bird and help us set up before church at 9:30 am. We need help every second Sunday in all these ways.

Looking Ahead to December:

Advent Fest is on December 8 from Noon- 1:30, after the 10:30 service! Please join us for Wreath Making, Gingerbread House decorating, food, and tons of Fun! Stay tuned for more information about Advent Fest on weekly e-news and the St. Martin’s Facebook page.
Dec. 24, Christmas Eve Children’s Service at 3:00pm
Join us for a brief (40 minute) service that will surely appeal to young children and families! We will share the Christmas message, enjoy music, and share Holy Communion. Shhh, Santa will join us near our red church doors after the service and we’ll share treats! There is no nursery care at this service. 
Dec. 24, Christmas Eve Family Service with Pageant at 5:00pm
Join us to hear a Christmas message shared with families and children in a kid-friendly, interactive way. Enjoy singing Christmas hymns and celebrate Holy Communion with us. We’ll have a Christmas pageant, no rehearsal required, for kids to experience the story of Jesus’s birth – parents, bring your kids to the chapel in the church office building at 4:15 for costumes. After worship, please join us in our school building for the Elves’ Feast! There is no nursery care at this service.
Attention teens: We need narrators for the Christmas pageant, so please contact Liza Goodner at liza.goodner@stmartininthefields.org if  you’re interested!
Dec. 24, Elves Feast at 6:00pm
The Elves’ Feast in the east parish hall of our school building offers family-friendly nibbles, sweets, treats and drinks as well as fellowship. Santa will be there too, so don’t miss his visit as he stops by St. Martin’s on his way to deliver toys on Christmas Eve! You can help bring nut-free goodies to share.
Sunday School Registration
If you are new to our Sunday school or haven’t already filled out permission forms for your child, please fill out the forms today! Or you can fill them out when you drop your child off at Sunday School.
Stay tuned to Youth events throughout the year through email, weekly news, and Facebook. Please be sure to put your email address on your child’s registration form so that I can keep in touch with you throughout the Sunday School year! If you have any questions or I could be of service, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Liza Goodner, Children’s Minister