Happy Summer! We’ve got some big updates to our teens and families this August, as our attention turns to back-to-school. Read on!
Our Sunday School continues its summer format (read about it here) through August 19; until then, remember Sunday School starts in church! We have no Sunday Funday in August.
Service Sunday is coming up on August 12 after the 10:30 am service. Please join us as we assemble sandwiches and bags of food for the homeless served by Union Gospel Mission! If you are able, please donate Sunbutter, cookies or granola bars! We greatly appreciate your donations! Want to help in another way? Be an Early Bird and help us set up before church at 9:30. We need help every second Sunday in all these ways.
Big things happen on August 26!
Our Sunday School program makes a shift on August 26 – we’ll start at 10:30 in the Youth Room in the school building’s large parish hall. Parents, we will have forms for you to complete and sign. On August 26, we’ll get to know each other and brainstorm about what we’ll do this year! Our Sunday School time will explore Bible stories and connect these ancient stories to our present-day ones.
Backpack blessings on August 26 – We offer backpack blessings to students and teachers at all services on August 26-27. You don’t have to bring a backpack, but it’s fun if you do! All students, teachers and school volunteers, whether you’re in private school, home school, Sunday School, college, or tech school: you’re invited to receive a special blessing! Our congregation will pray for the excitement of learning, scholastic achievement, personal growth and relief from stress as we begin a new school year.
EYC Wednesday Nights are on break until September 5 – Our Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) Wednesday night meetings will resume on September 5, just after Labor Day.
Volunteer- we need you!
Volunteer to help with our teen programs and be a part of a growing ministry! We need two adults in Sunday School, Wednesday night EYC meetings, and Sunday Funday outings. Volunteers don’t have to be parents! Sharing your presence with teens is rewarding for you and inspiring for them. Contact Youth Minister Megan Grant at megan.grant@stmartininthefields.org.