This is the April picture from my wall calendar for this year. The calendar uses a combination of Celtic lore and Christian symbols to represent each month. When I turned over to April and saw what it was, tears ran down my face. What I see when I look at it is a heart filled with hope for the future. There are the reflections of the Paschal candle, the light of Christ surrounding the heart containing a pink rose blooming with hope. What better symbol for this time of uncertainty? That’s what got me started writing this installment of my story. – Glenda
Random Thoughts During the Pandemic
My husband Hank has COPD; I have a deep-seated non-contagious lung infection. Age-wise we’re in the “older than dirt” category. But I’m so tired of hearing from every direction that we’re in the “among our most vulnerable” category. We didn’t get to this place in our lives by being “poor things.” So don’t feel sorry for us, please.
Some things I’ve learned that I want to share:
My emotions can’t change facts. I may not like what has happened, but that doesn’t undo it. So I may not like the idea of a mask and gloves when I have to run errands, but I’d really hate to die of stupidity – mine or someone else’s.
A crisis like the pandemic doesn’t prevent everyday crises from happening. Case in point: the AC went out the night before we were forecast to have 90⁰ weather; I couldn’t believe it! Somehow I had thought a major crisis meant we’d be immune to the small kind. I admit, I mentioned to God I thought it was unfair, but as often happens when I complain to Him, all I got back was a snicker (not the eating kind). So when Hank’s cell phone completely died and had to be replaced, I wasn’t even surprised. But I must admit that the everyday crises do keep one from being bored.
Find ways to help everyone you come in contact with. In working on replacing Hank’s cell phone I ended up talking to a young man in Uzbekistan. He mentioned that bordering on both Iran and China things were bad there and getting worse and everyone was terrified. I was able to share with him the latest news I had heard, which he really appreciated. We ended our conversation agreeing the best thing we could each do was to pray to God for a swift end for the pandemic. Will we be praying to the same God? Who knows? Who cares? (My own belief is whatever the name used by the person praying, the same God hears the prayer.)
The best way I know to survive any event is to maintain a sense of humor. And most especially be willing to laugh at yourself and share your funny stories with others. Everyone can use a good laugh, especially in times like these! Keep a list of your dumb moves and tell about them.
Try not to be afraid. Fear can sometimes be paralyzing. Educate yourself about COVID-19. Don’t just get your information from friends or family. Do your own investigation. Knowledge helps alleviate fear. (I think that idea may be biblical, but I’m not sure. Didn’t Jesus preach something along that line?) Have a healthy respect for the facts, but don’t be defeated by them.
For the future may we never again hear “I think I may be coming down with something, but I just had to come to church to…..” We really do need to remember to take care of each other. You know, that “hearts, hands and feet” thing.
Remember that “this too will pass.” Maybe not as soon as we would like, or as easily as we might wish, but it will pass. And most important of all remember that God is with each one of us during these days. Yea, God!
May everyone stay safe, well and sane until we can see and touch one another again.
Glenda Morehead