Children will kick off January with the Season of Epiphany. They will experience and learn about the abundance of the Kingdom of God. “Perhaps we, too, noticed a star and followed it. Or maybe someone led us to the gift of faith. Now we take the Light – the Good News – out into the world. Will others see the light shimmering in us? Will they risk taking a journey into faith with us?”-Episcopal Digital Network
Read on about the exciting events we have planned for children this special month:
Family Worship Service Jan 6 to observe Epiphany
Families, please join us at our 10:30 am family worship on first Sundays, a special time for kids to be hands on and immersed in all we do together in worship. We need youth readers & prayer leaders each month! If your kids are interested in reading our bible lessons or lead prayers, please sign them up here.
We are continuing our journey with mite boxes! Please continue to bring them to Family Worship Service so that you can put them in the collection plate. If you need a mite box for your child, or more information about our mite box project, please contact
January 13 is Service Sunday
Meet in the large east parish hall to help make sack lunches for the homeless people served by Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County. All ages welcome,
childcare is available.
January Sunday School lessons
- January 13, 20, 27: Deep Blue “At Home with God”
Grades K-3
- January 13: Godly Play: “The Arc and the Tent”
- January 20,27: First Sunday after the Epiphany: “I have called you by name, you are mine.” (Isaiah 43:1). The Story of John the Baptist. P.R.A.Y. Finalize curriculum, “The Lord’s Prayer”, prepare for pin ceremony at Family Worship Service Feb.3.
Grades 4-6
- January 13,20,27: First Sunday after the Epiphany: “I have called you by name, you are mine.” (Isaiah 43:1). P.R.A.Y” “Eat, Share, Enjoy”, “In God’s Family, We Share As a Response to God’s Love”. Pizza Party. Decorate Faith Family Pizza Boxes.
Looking Ahead to February:
Please mark your calendar for February 3 to attend the family worship service, as children in grades K-6 grades will be recognized for completing the fall Sunday School P.R.A.Y. curriculum! Please contact if you HAVE NOT RECEIVED an email regarding your child receiving the “PRAY”emblem pin (to be awarded at the Scout Sunday service on Feb.3rd).
Sunday School Registration
If you are new to our Sunday school or haven’t already filled out Permission forms for your child, please fill out the forms today! Or you can fill them out when you drop your child off at Sunday School.
Stay tuned to Children’s events throughout the year through email and Facebook. Be sure to put your email address on your child’s registration form so that I can keep in touch with you throughout the Sunday School year!
Blessings, Liza Goodner, Children’s Minister,