***Sunday School currently meets on Zoom. Please contact Children’s Minister Liza Goodner at liza.goodner@stmartininthefields.org for info & Zoom links.
During the school year, our Sunday School programs for children and teens meet at 10:15 am in the school building, except on the first Sunday of the month. On first Sundays, we have a first Sunday family worship service at the 10:30 am service time, and no Sunday School for children. More on that is below.
In Sunday School, our young people will have opportunities to grow in faith with meaningful lessons that connect them to God’s story. They’ll have hands on opportunities, put faith in action, and draw closer to a loving God. Building community, establishing deeper friendships and encouraging children to reach out will be the goal. The children will return and join their families and the congregation in time for the Peace.
Find your child’s age group below:
- Ages 3-4: Our sweet and nurturing preschool class will feature hands-on activities while getting to know Jesus. Godly Play will be offered weekly; its information is below.
- Grades K-3: Godly Play: We are excited to offer our Godly Play curriculum on Sundays. Our wonderful teachers guide students through hands on Godly Play lessons, and through activities like reading Bible stories, playing fun games, and memorizing the Lord’s Prayer. Children will learn to grow stronger in faith and serve God.
- Grades 4-5: Weaving God’s Promises.: Tweens will dive into the liturgical calendar curriculum, guided by the teacher/counselor while “weaving the stories” into their own lives. Class skits, crafts and lesson worksheets connect children with God’s love for them and for their neighbors in the community.
- First Sundays are Family Worship Sundays
In our church’s Sunday schedule, the first Sunday of each month offers a family worship service at 10:30 am, giving families an opportunity to worship together in a kid-friendly way, but there’s no Sunday School. Young people of all ages will be involved in our worship with readings, a children’s sermon and activities during worship.
What is Godly Play?
Godly Play is a Montessori-based curriculum that brings the Bible to life, giving children a foundation and understanding of God’s story. Gifted storytellers retell stories just like ancient storytellers passed down the sacred stories of the Bible. Children will see the “sand of the desert,” the “chains of the Israelites” and have a time to question and respond to the story with paint, clay and even Legos. The children are invited to choose an artistic response to the story.