In this week’s stewardship minute we are reminded that our actions and checkbooks speak louder than our words.
I would like to share two of the best lessons on stewardship that I have experienced.
The first was an exercise where I tracked all the money spent over the course of a month AND how time was spent over the same month. Then looked at the top three in each area and the values those represented. Let’s take a minute and think about your own activities. What are your top three uses of your time? Take a minute and jot those down. Next think about your money, what are the top three areas of spending? Take a minute and jot those down. Look at your answers and ask yourself what values are represented by your answers? What does the spending of your time and money say about what you truly value?
My personal reflections with this exercise helped me have the insight and motivation to consider and change how I spend some of my time and money. What about you?
As I continue to grow in my understanding of God’s gift of stewardship; I seek to listen and learn. I seek to expand my practice of purposeful actions that aligns with my values.
Here are some actions I have found to be helpful:
- Carve out time to pray often (at least daily is my goal and some days all I can manage is a few minutes).
- Practice giving both time and money to others (inside and outside the Church).
- Study and practice God’s rules about money and stewardship.
- Accept the amazing truth that God asks us to give so that WE can receive.
- Expect and accept the blessings our heavenly father pours out on us. Amazing!
My second best lesson on stewardship: A video lesson by Dave Ramsey called “The Great Misunderstanding.” This is a fun and powerful lesson on Stewardship.
You can experience this lesson on Wednesday, November 5 at 6:30pm. This is your invitation to join the families and individuals who have been learning new skills through the Financial Peace University ministry provided by St Martin’s.
We invite you to come to this class and join us! Wednesday evening, November 5. Beginning at 6pm you can bring a dish, and join in the pot luck dinner. At 6:30pm we will view the lesson by Dave Ramsey called “The Great Misunderstanding” in the blue parish hall. You can attend either or both, as you prefer. Corrie is offering something fun and educational for kids of all ages while the adults watch the show. We will all eat together in the large parish hall. Then break into classes by age groups.
Thank you for being part of my parish family and for all your many gifts over the years. You have blessed our family with your presence, your time and your money. I am so thankful that St. Martin-in-the-Fields provides so many opportunities for all of us to worship, enjoy fellowship, serve and to give back some of the many blessings that have been so freely given to us from our heavenly father.