by Elizabeth & Doug Mason
What is a stewardship ministry about? Giving people practical tools to live life on purpose. Of course we are talking about finances, yes, but not just finances. We want to teach our members to parent on purpose, love on purpose, and show up to work with a purpose. A purposeful, healthy congregation can spread hope and be Jesus’ heart hands and feet like crazy to a community!
What does the stewardship ministry seek to do?
1. Lift all economic categories of members
People who are in control of their finances, instead of controlled by them, find more money in the month. They form positive habits and make huge progress.
Using the tools provided by the stewardship ministry we hope to: see the struggling become stable, the stable become solid, and the solid become people of surplus. And allow our congregation to give!
2. Provide a toolbox of helpful resources for our members
Stewardship ministry is centered on building a toolbox of helpful resources for your members. One of the most important things we can place in that toolbox is the time and wisdom of trusted volunteers.
3. Provide permanent solutions instead of temporary fixes
A stewardship ministry teaches people how to fish for themselves. We’re better helpers when the help comes with guidance for the future. “Next time” situations will be greatly minimized, and before long, once-struggling members can find stability and become able to help someone else.
4. Create a hub for stories of changed lives
We all know others stories can make a huge impact. Good stories—ones where people take ownership of their lives and trust God to transform their mess into something beautiful—provide hope for others! The stewardship ministry invites us to share our faith-building stories.
5. Build trust between members and leadership
There’s no need to fear money talk in a church that’s successfully running a stewardship ministry. A stewardship ministry makes the conversation about all of us; about our finances, not the churches.
Doing what’s best for the people in our congregation will result in what’s best for our church and our community. St. Martin’s stewardship ministry understands that healthy, free, purposeful, and progress-driven churches change communities.
This week’s encouragement
This week we encourage you to read and pray about Habit # 4 Be a Faithful Example and Habit # 5 Live Within Your Means. Consider supporting or attending the tools of Financial Peace University and Generation Change classes that will be offered at St Martin’s in the Fall.
Volunteer to share your story and your favorite stewardship resources with our community.
May the Peace of the Lord be with you and your family!