I have been a member of St. Martin’s since 1978. I worshiped in the “trailer” before the current worship space existed.
The advantage of being old is that in difficult times such as we are experiencing now, I can look back, and looking back gives me hope. I have gone through stressful times both in my personal life and the life of this parish. God saw me through alcoholism to sobriety. God was with the parish during dire financial difficulties and more than one deep division in the congregation. He has been with us during those times and brought us through. We have much to be thankful for now: a degree of financial stability, a building to worship in and a parish hall with classrooms to educate our children; we have a united, loving, and open congregation that longs to be back to worshiping in community; and we have an experienced interim priest to lead us. Based on past experience, I have hope that we have good days ahead. I believe our current difficulties will lead us to be a stronger body to spread the Good News of God in Jesus Christ. I still read my AA literature and other helpful readings from Forward Day By Day and emails from Richard Rohr.
I personally have so much to be thankful for, and I do give thanks many times every day. My faith in God keeps me grounded and looking back over the past gives me hope. I have daily worship and scripture study to quicken the Holy Spirit that guides me in making decisions. My Spiritual Awareness group keeps me centered on all the good that goes on even in a dark and frightened world.
My pledge of financial support to St. Martin’s is my response to God’s love, mercy and grace. I make it with a thankful heart.
A bit more about Flo Lowrey
I am Flo Lowrey, matriarch of the Lowrey Clan. Born, raised and never lived outside the State of Texas. All my relatives (niece, nephew, great nieces and nephews, and great-great nieces) live on the East Coast (Georgia, North and South Carolina). I was baptized in Austin at St. David’s, an old Episcopal Church, attended Austin High School and the University of Texas.
I moved to Keller from south Fort Worth in 1978 and joined St. Martin’s. I have been active in all ministries during these years and was the first female Senior Warden. I have a spot for my ashes in our Memorial Garden.
My work history includes employment before I graduated high school with the Great State of Texas in Austin, then 10 years in private industry, 30 years with the Federal Government (Department of Transportation), and 10 years at St. Martin’s. I retired from there in 2001, but I am still active in ministry.