The season when we celebrate God’s greatest gift to the world has long been a season of giving gifts that bring love, joy, and hope to others. The Outreach Commission has selected an array of options that, altogether, will be St. Martin’s Christmas Gift. You and your household are invited to participate in one or more of the following ways.

Reverse Advent Calendar

This is the opposite of the usual Advent calendar where we get trinkets to count down the days from December 1st until Christmas Eve. With this calendar we give back daily to those in need of food by placing an item in the box each day. How: Any box or container will do OR you can pick up two empty wine boxes which have 12 separate compartments. Get the family involved and decorate the box. Add one item for each of the 24 days. Bring in your box during office hours or by 5 pm on Christmas Eve.

Suggested Food Items – canned soups, dry beans or rice, canned fruits & veggies, Mac & Cheese, dry pasta & pasta sauce, canned meat & fish, peanut butter, corn bread mix, flour, sugar & cooking oils.

Toy Drive

This year, due to the pandemic, we will not have an Angel Tree but we will still collect toys for children in need. Bring donations of new toys, gifts and gift cards for ages Infant to 17 to the church during office hours or on Sundays at 10:30 am and place them in a bin at the red doors. Or bring toys Saturday, December 12 during the Scouts food drive. Toys will be taken to Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County for delivery to the children for Christmas.


Food Drive

If you want to contribute food for 4Saints Food Pantry but aren’t able to do that through the Reverse Advent Calendar, bring your items to St. Martin’s parking lot on Saturday, December 12 from 10 am – noon when our Scouts are conducting a contactless food drive.

Holiday office hours December 1-23

Please place your donations in the bins in front of the red church doors. If you do need to speak to someone in the office, please wear your mask & ring the bell or knock. Thank you!

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 10 am – 2 pm
  • Wednesdays: noon – 4 pm

For this service you perform not only meets the needs of God’s people, but also produces an outpouring of gratitude to God. – I Corinthians 9:12 GNT

Christmas Offering

This Christmas, our Church gathers money to sustain the work of our partners in mission throughout the year. Some of the recipients are Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County, 4Saints Episcopal Food Pantry, Meals on Wheels, and numerous ministries of The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth. Our contributions are joined with the contributions of other people in our diocese and other churches, multiplying the care for our neighbors in need many times over. Please be generous! 

  • Give online and choose “Christmas Offering” from the from down menu
  • Text a dollar amount + CHRISTMAS to 817-270-6880
  • Mail to: St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church, PO BOX 1149, Keller 76244
    • Make checks payable to St. Martin-in-the-Fields, memo “Christmas”
  • Use this form to give online, choose Christmas Offering from the drop-down menu

Ways to give:

  • Give online and choose “Christmas Offering” from the from down menu
  • Text a dollar amount + CHRISTMAS to 817-270-6880
  • Mail to: St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church, PO BOX 1149, Keller 76244
    • Make checks payable to St. Martin-in-the-Fields, memo “Christmas”
  • Use this form to give online, choose Christmas Offering from the drop-down menu