St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church invites you to join with us to help people in distant places rise from poverty. Our flock of God’s people will buy a flock of sheep or goats for people in need. Animal donations provide families a hand up and create lasting solutions that fight poverty, hunger and disease.
We will buy a flock through Episcopal Relief and Development, the international relief and development agency of The Episcopal Church. Over 90% of your donor dollar goes directly to programs in the field.
Each week we will share more about sheep and goats and their benefits for those receiving our gifts. We want you to pray, too; in your daily prayers, lift up those who will receive our gifts.
You vote to give sheep or goats
Everyone in your family gets to help choose whether we give a flock of sheep or a flock of goats! Adults and kids can vote in church with a donation in an envelope stamped “S” or “G” placed in the offering plate. Kids can vote by coloring a sheep or goat and placing that in the offering plate. Check our progress on the Sheep vs. Goats board in church! Voting ends Saturday, March 26 at our Easter Vigil.
We stretch globally in addition to local outreach
St. Martin’s is adding this international effort in Lent to balance our local outreach. St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church reaches out locally to help Union Gospel Mission, Presbyterian Night Shelter, Meals on Wheels, Butler Branch of Boys & Girls Club, and 4Saints Food Pantry. We are working on new ways for hands-on help to our neighbors.
Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.
— Matthew 25:40
Need more info?
Contact the Rev. Scot McComas at for more information about this project and our outreach.
Sheep vs. Goats News
Learn more about sheep and goats and track our progress to give a flock:
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