On April 10, Service Sunday hit a new high by making 225 sack lunches for Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County (UGM). It takes many people to accomplish such a feat. One volunteer said, “we are on our way to making 300!”
What makes Service Sunday special is that you’ll find children, teens and adults working together for a common goal. Children help set up supplies and make sandwiches, feeling empowered that their efforts are helping someone in need. Teens get to make decisions about how the assembly line flows. Adults join in, not to take charge, but as mentors, supporting younger people, and it is beautiful to see this ministry grow and expand.
How to help this ministry
You can help by joining our early bird team that sets up at 9:30 am on the second Sunday of each month in the school building. We also are in need of folks that can deliver the sack lunches to UGM each month. Or, help at noon, when Service Sunday is in action. We always need bakers, people to help stock supplies and donations are always welcome. Be a part of something really good, ministry that will change your life, wrapping you up in a community of faith with a common purpose.
See this ministry in action
Click on this link for pics from Service Sunday in April.
- Kids, teens and adults set up supplies…everyone has a job!
- Bakers deliver cookies for the lunches…
- Children decorate lunch sacks…
- Working together…
- Each sandwich is a prayer…