As we welcome in the fall, we continue our Sunday school program for children! We are very excited to incorporate the curriculum, “Weaving God’s Promises” into our classes, in addition to Godly Play. Very similar to Godly Play, children will dive into the parables from the Episcopal curriculum and learn Jesus’ love for them. Children will be able to apply or “weave” the stories they hear into their own lives. In addition to learning Bible stories from the Old Testament, children will also prepare for Advent this fall as they follow lessons from the liturgical calendar.
About Weaving God’s Promises:
More children’s news for September
- Sept 1: Family Worship Service Please bring your mite (giving) boxes for the collection plate to this service. If you need a mite box for your child, or more information about our ongoing stewardship program for children, please contact
- Sept 8: Ministry Fair & Volunteer Appreciation Day
- September 15: Service Sunday So we don’t have to miss a minute of the ministry fair, we’re pushing Service Sunday to the third week of September! Please join us in the large east parish hall to help make sack lunches for the homeless people served by Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County. You can help by being an early bird & set up, or you can donate nut-free granola bars & cookies, or grape jelly, or Ziplock style sandwich bags. All ages are welcome, childcare is available.
- September 15: Meet the Sunday school Teachers Brunch: Children and families, come to meet your teachers at 9:45 am in the large parish hall and visit classrooms; enjoy brunch items, turn in permission forms and learn more about our Sunday school! Please bring a potluck brunch item to share! Don’t forget that we are a Nut & Latex free campus. Hope to see you there!
- September 28: Church Bingo fundraiser at 6 pm in the large parish hall. Come & enjoy dinner & Bingo fun for the whole family!
September Sunday School lessons:
- September 8: Weaving God’s Promises: “Fall and Exile from the Garden of Eden”. Genesis 2-3
- September 15: Weaving God’s Promises: “Cain and Abel” Genesis 4:1-16
- September 22: Godly Play: “The Parable of the Mustard Seed”
- September 29: Weaving God’s Promises: “The Tower of Babel” Genesis 11:1-9
Grades K-3
- September 8: Godly Play: “The Parable of the Mustard Seed”
- September 15: Weaving God’s Promises: “Fall and Exile from the Garden of Eden”. Genesis 2-3
- September 22: Weaving God’s Promises: “Cain and Abel” Genesis 4:1-16
- September 29: Weaving God’s Promises: “The Tower of Babel” Genesis 11:1-9
Grades 4-6
- September 8: Weaving God’s Promises: “Fall and Exile from the Garden of Eden” Genesis 2-3
- September 15: Weaving God’s Promises: “Cain and Abel” Genesis 4:1-16
- September 22: Weaving God’s Promises: “The Tower of Babel” Genesis 11:1-9
- September 29: Weaving God’s Promises: “Abraham and His Adventures with God” Genesis 12:1-8
Looking Ahead to October:
Families, please mark your calendar for Octoberfest and Trunk or Treat on October 27 at noon. More information to come soon!
Sunday School Registration
If you are new to our Sunday school or haven’t already filled out permission forms for your child, please fill out the forms today! Or you can fill them out when you drop your child off at Sunday School.
Stay tuned to children’s events throughout the year through email, weekly news, and Facebook. Please be sure to put your email address on your child’s registration form so that I can keep in touch with you throughout the Sunday School year! If you have any questions or I could be of service, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Liza Goodner, Children’s Minister,