Welcome to September! We are excited to see what this month brings with our P.R.A.Y., Godly Play and Pre-K curricula. It’s wonderful to see new and returning faces this fall! Here are a couple of reminders and dates for your calendar.
The first weekend is our Family Worship Service– no Sunday school. Everyone come directly to the church & enjoy a family friendly service with a sermon geared toward our younger crowd!
Beginning September 9, kids can come straight to the school building before church for Sunday School. We will bring your child back to the sanctuary to share Holy Communion with you. Send any questions to liza.goodner@stmartininthefields.org.
Why wait? Get a head start to to cut down registration wait time by filling out the forms today! Or you can fill them out when you drop your child off at Sunday school.
Fall project – shoe boxes needed!
If your child is in grades K-3, please have them bring an empty shoe box to Sunday school. We will be doing a cool activity with them this semester. We are very excited to get started with all curriculum for age breakout classes this fall!
Service Sunday
Please join in with your family for Service Sunday after church on September 9 at 12 pm to help prepare sack lunches for the homeless served by Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County. Children and adults are welcome to help decorate sacks and prepare sandwiches. Childcare is provided.
September Sunday School lessons
- September 9,16,23,30: Deep Blue “At Home with God” (Cokesbury)
Grades K-3
- September 9 Godly Play: “Creation, the first 7 days”
- September 16: P.R.A.Y: Creation “God Said That It Was Good” Genesis 1:1-2
- September 23: P.R.A.Y: Creation “God Calls Me by Name” Isaiah 43:1-2
- September 30: P.R.A.Y: “Song of Praise”-Isaiah 44:23
Grades 4-6
- September 9: P.R.A.Y: Session 1: “We are God’s Family” and continuing introductory lesson for newcomers. Love God – Deuteronomy 6:4-9
- September 16: P.R.A.Y: Session 2: “Family Heritage, Spiritual Heritage” Ruth and Naomi-Ruth, 1:1-18, 4:13-17; Baby Jesus is Taken to the temple-Luke 2:21-24,40
- September 23: P.R.A.Y: Session 3: “Our Talents and Gifts Strengthen our Families, Moses and Aaron-Exodus 4:10-17, 27-31;17:8-13; 1 Thessalonians 3:1-2,6
- September 30: P.R.A.Y: Session 4: “In God’s Family We’re Loved No Matter What! Because We’re Loved, We Follow Rules” Jesus in the Temple-Luke 2:41-52, Prodigal son-Luke15:11-32. Ten Commandments-Exodus 20:1-17
Please stay tuned to Children’s events in September and throughout the year through email and Facebook. Please be sure to put your email address on the registration form so that I can keep in touch with you throughout the Sunday school year!
Let’s get ready for October’s First Sunday Family Worship
Our 10:30 am worship on First Sundays, like October 7, gives a special time for kids to be hands on and immersed in all we do together in worship. All children are invited to sing “Jesus Loves Me” during the Offertory on Oct.7. If you need all 3 verses emailed so that your child could practice at home, please contact liza.goodner@stmartininthefields.org. Parents, if your kid is willing to read the Bible or lead prayers, please sign them up here.
Thank you,
Liza Goodner, Children’s Minister