Dear Friends in Christ,
I know it has been difficult for many of us to say farewell to both our rector Father Scot McComas, and our youth minister, Rev. Megan Grant. Though we will miss them, we are excited for them as they enter new stages of their own journeys. It is important to remember that these transitions are both necessary and healthy in the life of a church. It offers us an opportunity to reflect on who we are as a parish, and what our goals are for the future.
With the assistance of the Diocesan office, the Vestry is currently in the process of finding an interim rector for St. Martin’s. An interim rector is a priest who will walk with us through our time of transition. We hope to have an interim in place soon, but until that time, I want to assure you that there will be no major changes in our church. Our current staff will remain the same, as will our worship. The daily goings-on and weekly meetings will continue as ever. Father Christopher Thomas will continue as our assistant and will be with us on the 1st & 3rd weekend of each month. He will continue in his role as curate, and is available for pastoral care & hospital visits. Rev. Ayo Omoniyi continues as our Deacon. On the weekends that Father Christopher Thomas is not with us we will have Supply clergy to celebrate the Eucharist and/or preach.
The Vestry with guidance from the interim rector and the Diocesan office will, in the coming months, be forming a search committee to find a new rector for St. Martin’s. Many things will factor into the committee’s hiring decision, including input from the parish. We will be asking everyone to participate in our Parish Survey, where you’ll be able to answer questions about what is most important to you as you continue to worship at St. Martin’s. Be sure to check the emails you receive from St. Martin’s – we will publish updated information about new clergy, as well as information about the search committee & Parish Survey.
This weekend, I hope you will join us for worship. The Rev. Canon Janet Waggoner will be here and will not only preach, but will be available for a brief Q&A. Please understand that she may not be able to answer all of your questions, as some are really the purview of the interim rector.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email or call me. You can also contact the parish administrator, Anika Rinker at, 817-431-2396.
Yours in Christ,
Keen Haynes, Senior Warden