This past weekend was our Scout Sunday & Lunch Fundraiser. We had an amazing turn-out! During the family worship service, Sunday school students, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts & Cub Scouts led us in readings & prayers. Each student received a P.R.A.Y. curriculum emblem pin for the completion of fall lessons. P.R.A.Y. curriculum Sunday school teachers were presented with certificates of completion. Scouts were also awarded a beautiful patch to commemorate Scout Sunday.
After the service, Scouts & families gathered on the lawn to toast s’mores, drink hot chocolate, and feast on hot dogs, chips & sodas. A Pinewood Derby exhibition track was set out for our charter Cub Scout Pack, who were gearing up for the race!
We were thrilled to see new and returning faces to our event. This year we asked for donations for lunch & we raised $274.11 to support Children’s and Youth Ministries!
We appreciate all who came out to support us and thank all those who helped prepare for this event! Special thanks to Brooke Casey, and Christopher & Aaron DeClerk for setup and cooking, Boy Scout and Girl Scout leaders, and all who donated food: Amy Casas, Leslie & Kristi Pemberton, and The Pulliam family. Thank you all for your contributions which helped make this special event such a success!
Check out photos here!