Below is the text of the letter from Fr. Jim, following his verbal announcement at the end of the annual parish meeting:

28 January 2013
My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I am writing this to tell you of an important announcement that I made to those at the Annual Meeting on Sunday. On 1 July of this year I will be retiring from active ministry and leaving St. Martin’s. Linda and I have prayed and talked about this for a while and professionally, personally and financially it is time. What this means is as of that date all of my priestly, pastoral, and administrative duties in the Parish will come to an end.
After thirty-six years in the military and secular business world and eleven years as a priest I just plan on adjusting to retirement and being with my family. As the 1st day of July is on a Monday my last Sunday at St. Martin’s will be the 30th of June.
I know this can raise many different questions for each of you. But there is still plenty of time before July to get them answered. Over the next weeks the vestry will begin to work with the bishop and the diocese to make the transition and the calling of a new rector a successful one; one that will forge a new partnership that will carry St. Martin’s into a future that will enable you to be an even greater presence of God in Southlake and Keller.
I ask that you pray for Linda and me as we begin this new life together in July.
Fr. Jim+

A PDF is available:James-Reynolds-Retirement-Letter-20130128