by Search Committee Chair Richard Cabes
The Search Committee of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church is in the final stage of its Rector Search. We have been blessed with an abundance of excellent and dedicated priests applying to lead our congregation. We are now in dialogue with our top few candidates and expect to have a recommendation to the vestry before Advent. Please continue to pray for the Search Committee as we discern the best fit for our parish among our remaining candidates.
Prayer as we search for a new rector
Almighty God, you know the needs of your Church in every place: look graciously upon us, the people of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, and grant us the guidance of your Holy Spirit as we seek a new Rector for this parish.
Give us discernment, wisdom, and confidence in your timing.
Guide the members of our Search Committee, as they labor to be faithful in seeking your will.
We pray for the life of our parish, that we may continue to be strengthened in our mission to be Jesus Christ’s heart, hands and feet to our neighbors no matter where they are on their journey of faith.
Bless us with mutual trust and respect, courage, and foresight as you shepherd our community through its journey.
Grace us with continuous direction and inspire us toward genuine self-reflection.
All this we ask as we walk in your ways to the glory of your name. Amen.