Our Profile Committee and Search Committee members will be commissioned during worship times at our services on Sunday, March 23, 2014. Please come, and please support them and our parish with your prayers. Members of the Profile Committee are Jim Wilson – chair, Bob Bess, Ron Hitchcock, Susan Kleinwechter, Courtney Mullaney, Kristen Blomstrom, Jack Bailey and Interim Rector Mike Wallens. Search Committee members are Richard Cabes – chair, Ashley Hardman, Brian Long, Chris Mullaney, Eloise Frye, Flo Lowrey, Francine deLongchamp, Gil Kleinwechter, Marty Hitchcock, Tayo Omoniyi. Senior Warden Bob Bess will attend meetings, but will have no vote.
As published last week, we have another activity to take us farther along in our search for a new rector. Canon Janet Waggoner will visit St. Martin-in-the-Fields this Sunday to listen to where we are at this point in the interim period and in the rector search process, and to help us clearly articulate our vision and goals for ministry. We will have two Town Hall meetings. One will be following the 8:30 service and the other will be following the 10:30 service. After the later Town Hall meeting, Canon Waggoner will meet briefly with the Vestry and the Search Committee together, just to make sure everyone is clear on the process and on responsibilities for both of these groups. Study up on how you would articulate our vision, mission and values and plan to be present for one of the town hall meetings. Exciting times are ahead! In case you are not sure exactly what our Vision, Mission and Values are, you can read them at this web link, or download and print a PDF of these statements. Read the rector search news.