This fall, despite the challenges presented to us during the pandemic, St. Martin’s has continued its tradition to be Jesus Christs’ heart, hands and feet to our neighbors.
You donated over 100 coats, scarves, caps and jackets through the Coat Drive for Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County; an especially important outreach program in these colder months!
You donated $1,476 to the Red Envelope Program for 4Saints Episcopal Food Pantry, whose need to feed hungry families has grown exponentially this year.
And you donated $6,325 in Thanksgiving gratitude.
From Dick Seeber, Outreach Director: “I just wanted to take a minute to thank you all. You did an amazing job…no surprise! What a great congregation, what a great Outreach team, and what great support from our staff!”
Thank you, St. Martin’s for being so generous to those in need!