Children, families & volunteers, here’s what’s in store for October! Take a look at our exciting fall season:
October 6: Blessing of the Animals
October 7: First Sunday Family Worship
Our 10:30 am worship on First Sundays gives a special time for kids to be hands on and immersed in all we do together in worship. For October 7, the children will be invited to sing “Jesus Loves Me” in the choir loft for the offertory hymn.
We also need youth readers & prayer leaders each month! Parents, if your kid is willing to read our bible lessons or lead prayers, please sign them up here.
October 14 – two events!
Service Sunday
Please join in with your family for Service Sunday after church at 12 pm to help prepare sack lunches for the homeless served by Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County. Children and adults are welcome to help decorate sacks and prepare sandwiches. Childcare is provided.
Hall’s Pumpkin Farm and Corn Maze
*Update* The Hall’s Pumpkin Patch outing has been CANCELLED to a high chance of rain all weekend. To not miss out on all the fun, we will meet for lunch after Service Sunday. Lunch location has CHANGED to Slim Chickens at in North Richland Hills around 1:00. Email to RSVP and for directions.
October 28: Trunk or Treat + Chili Cookoff + Potluck Luncheon
Please note, we are now a nut-free & latex-free campus. Please make sure that no foods contain nuts of any kind.
Fall project – shoe boxes needed!
If your child is in grades K-3, please have them bring an empty shoe box to Sunday school. We will be doing a cool activity with them this semester. We are very excited to get started with all curriculum for age breakout classes this fall!
October Sunday School lessons
- October 14, 21, 28: Deep Blue “At Home with God”
Grades K-3
- October 14: Godly Play: “Garden of Eden” & “Falling apart”
- October 21: P.R.A.Y: Creation “God and Me:Our Story Together” Isaiah 44:23
- October 28: P.R.A.Y: Creation “Decorating the Gamebox” Genesis 1:1-2:3
Grades 4-6
- October 14: P.R.A.Y: Session 4: “In God’s Family We’re Loved No Matter What! Because We’re Loved, We Follow Rules” Jesus in the Temple-Luke 2:41-52; Prodigal son-Luke 15:11-32; Ten Commandments-Exodus 20:1-17
- October 21: P.R.A.Y: Session 4-5 : “Being in God’s Family Helps Us When Things are Tough” Daniel’s friends face trouble-Daniel 3:1-30
- October 28: P.R.A.Y: Session 5: Continue “Being in God’s Family Helps Us When Things are Tough” Paul and Silas in jail-Acts 16:19-34
Sunday School Registration
If you haven’t already done so, please fill out the forms today! Or you can fill them out when you drop your child off at Sunday school.
Looking ahead:
Don’t miss Advent kick-off and Welcome to Bethlehem Dec.2
Mark your calendar for December 2 at noon, after the worship service, for an intergenerational event to kick off Advent with our Welcome to Bethlehem event and festivities. Please stay tuned for more information.
Please stay tuned to Children’s events in October and throughout the year through email and Facebook. Please be sure to put your email address on the registration form so that I can keep in touch with you throughout the Sunday school year!
Thank you,
Liza Goodner, Children’s Minister