Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Thanks to all those who made it out to our Commitment Sunday celebration today! We had a great showing and wonderful fellowship. Special thanks to our young members Tayo, Ife, and Ebun  for their wonderful stewardship reflection. We are so proud of our talented youth.
We would also like to thank everyone who has already made a commitment to our community in faith through this pledge drive and all those who have helped make this drive happen. We’ve had a great start. So far, we’ve raised ~$300K or 60% of our pledge goal of $500K. Since we haven’t hit our goal yet, we are going to extend the drive through November.
We would like to ask those who haven’t yet filled out their paperwork to prayerfully consider their 2014 commitment to our church. Please feel free to use this link to make your pledge online. It’s quick, safe, and easy to use. You’ll even receive a confirmation email for your records moments after you submit your pledge.
What’s holding you back? Pledge now. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email your Stewardship Ministry Team at
Together in Christ,
Your Stewardship Ministry Team

Make an online pledge for calendar year 2014