Today’s Readings: John 5:30-47
“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me….”
Most of us love that hymn and those words – it stirs our hearts – reminds us of our need for God. The words of this hymn reflect what we might feel during our faith journey – or feel at this moment, but also what Jesus recognized, God the Father is Life – Real Life! That knowledge brings joy to the heart.
We read in the verses from John that Jesus tried to tell his followers, or those that would listen, that all of his gifts of knowledge, healing, raising people from the dead, even turning water into wine, were from God the Father! That by himself – he was nothing!
I was at a loss as to how I could understand this message. Then I realized that Jesus has shown the way to understanding…the way to God’s care and love…the way to recognizing God’s gift of Amazing Grace.
Have you ever heard these expressions?
“Life is a journey”
“Life is change”
“Life is a learning experience”
They are used in my household a lot. I don’t think they are intended to be “spiritual” – but for me they apply to spiritual life as well.
As I journey and age, I’ve experienced God in many ways, I’ve changed and grown in my faith and trust. I’ve been taught by many. Reading these verses, helped me see how God has been telling human-kind for generations – that compassion, loving and caring for each other is how we should live our lives. It is what is expected of each of us, no matter who we are or where we are in the journey. As we travel – one moment at a time, one experience at a time, one miracle at a time, we are the blessed recipients of God’s message. God has been revealed!
Pray that we use all our remaining days on this earth, for reaching out to each other, caring, sharing and praying for each other. God is with us, loves us, and is still speaking to us, leading the way.
Author: Mary Ellen (Mev) Matulevich