Have you been considering your prayer discipline? The Daughters of the King (DOK) Deborah Chapter at St. Martin-in-the-Fields is inviting all women 21 & older to participate in training to become a member of DOK. The training will begin in February 2019 and occur twice a month at the DOK regular gatherings for 3 months. All of the members, current daughters and those considering membership, will participate in the lessons and discussions. St. Martin’s DOK chapter meets in a home on the second Saturday of each month in the morning and at St. Martin’s in the library on the fourth Sunday of each month at noon. We participate in daily prayers and seek to serve Christ both locally in our church and globally through the organization of the DOK.
The cross of the order is worn to symbolize our vows to a life of prayer and the inscription is translated “with heart, mind, and spirit uphold & bear the cross” and the motto of DOK “For His Sake,” is initialed at the base with the letters “FHS.”
The DOK is a world-wide sisterhood pledging to live out each member’s baptismal covenant through a life-long program of prayer, service and evangelism. The order is for supporting the community of women including faith traditions of; Episcopal, Anglican, Lutheran (ELCA) and Roman Catholic churches.
For further information please contact the chapter president Jeniffer Varley at 214-957-8442 or jeniffer.varley@sbcglobal.net, or Linda Snow at (682) 717-9238 or snowman2014@outlook.com.