Want an opportunity to help others in this time of need?
St. Martin’s is a loving & caring community. With new information coming daily about COVID-19 (Corona Virus), it’s natural to wonder how we can help each other through the coming weeks. With that in mind, we are implementing a Helping Hands Network.
Most people, young, old and in-between, are being asked to stay home. Many of us will still be able to run to the store when we need to, but what about some of our folks who have compromised immune systems, or are more prone to illness? How do we help those who really need to stay confined to their homes? What about those who have children but still must work?
You’ll find the SignUp Genius link below, but before you jump at the opportunity to help, please read the following guidelines so that we can keep everyone safe!
Are you a person who needs these services? You can request help here. Or you may contact the church at 817-431-2396 or stmartin@stmartininthefields.org.
Guidelines for Helpers
- If you have a cough, fever, sore throat or body aches, or have been exposed to someone who has, you may not help at this time.
- Wash Your Hands. We’ve all heard this a million times now, but it remains relevant. Be sure to wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds. Tests have shown that the Corona Virus is gone after 20 seconds of washing. Here’s a helpful link on the proper way to wash your hands.
- Delivering groceries, prescriptions, laundry, etc.
- Keep hand sanitizer in your car. If you can’t find any in stores, here’s a helpful link to make your own!
- Place items by the person’s door, ring the bell or knock, and then stand back at least 6 feet to ensure they get the delivery. No hugging or shaking hands, and DO NOT enter the person’s home. Offer a friendly wave or virtual hug. Remember, the whole point is to keep everyone from being exposed.
- If you need to collect money for groceries or other items, may we suggest online apps such as Zell, Pay Pal, or Venmo? This will keep paper money or checks from exchanging hands.
- If you are taking someone’s laundry to wash, make sure it is bagged, and you use gloves while handling.
- Preparing Meals
- Wash your hands
- Wear sterile gloves if you can, and change them any time you move from one item to the next, especially if you handle raw meat. Also change them if you touch your face or any other part of your body.
- Store prepared meals in clean containers.
- *See deliveries above
- Babysitting
- The following guidelines come from: health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/coronavirus-resource-center
Q: With schools closing in many parts of the country, is it okay to have babysitters or child care people in the house given no known exposures or illness in their homes?
The truth is that the fewer people you and your children are exposed to, the better. However, the reality is that not every family will be able to have a parent at home at all times.
All people can do is try to minimize the risk by doing things like:
- choosing a babysitter who has minimal exposures to other people besides your family
- limiting the number of babysitters. If you can keep it to one, that’s ideal, but if not keep the number as low as possible
- making sure that the babysitter understands that he or she needs to practice social distancing, and needs to let you know (and not come to your house!) if he or she feels at all sick or has a known exposure to COVID-19
- having the babysitter limit physical interactions and closeness with your children, to the extent that this is possible
- making sure that everyone washes their hands frequently throughout the day, especially before eating.
Ready to sign up?
Use this link & sign up to help out where you can. You can leave comments, such as times you’re available. When we get requests, we’ll link appropriate helpers with those who need assistance.