The Panther family surprised the children at Sunday school recently with a “momma” goat and her two baby goats! The children were so excited to get a chance to see live goats, pet them and feed them a carrot or two!
The goats came for a visit to St. Martin’s as part of the Heifer project. This project, led by Ebun Omoniyi, Ife Omoniyi and Tayo Omoniyi has raised over $1500. With the encouragement of Aubrey Hardman, Stewardship chair and teen Sunday school teacher, these teens accomplished a lot.
The teens spoke about the project and how the money raised helps people by giving them farm animals, like the goats. The children brainstormed ways that a goat could provide soap, milk and cheese that could feed a family and could be sold to help that family build a stronger and self-sustaining future. The children were excited about this project and are looking forward to being a part of such a worthy cause next year.
Many thanks should go to the Omoniyi teens, the Panther family and those who supported this project. Great pictures of the goats visiting Sunday school were taken by Gil Kleinwechter.