Come to our final Zip Code Party at 12:30 pm Sunday, November 22 – everyone is invited, whether you’ve been to a zip code party before or not.  Father Scot McComas will share the results from the 19 other Zip Code Parties and everyone will have an opportunity to express their ideas, hopes and dreams for the future of St. Martin’s.

Pot luck & some friendly competition

We will be serving Babe’s fried chicken. Please bring a side dish or a dessert to share. You can drop your dish off before the worship service in the large parish hall.
You can help support our outreach ministry and provide food for the homeless served by Union Gospel Mission. Bring canned and non-perishable food into the party (instead of into church) and keep it with your zip code area. Prizes will be awarded to the zip code area participants who bring the most food items!

Want more information?

Please contact Elizabeth Mason at or Father Scot McComas at


We need volunteers for set up and clean up. Please contact Elizabeth Mason to volunteer.

What are Zip Code Parties about?

Small gatherings have occurred most Saturday evenings from April through October in homes and one business to share our hopes and dreams for St. Martin’s with our new rector, Father Scot McComas. A total of 19 parties have been held in the community. This has been a great fellowship opportunity! How wonderful it has been to find out who lives in your neighborhood and to share a meal and conversation.