We were blessed to have members of Fever United Soccer Club with us for 10:30 worship on Sunday, January 19, 2014. Constance Smith, coach and director of the club, spoke to us from her heart, and handed the microphone to her husband when she was too teary to speak:
Good morning! I’m giving thanks to my Savior who continuously blesses us all; to St. Martin’s church and staff for being so generous – not just to Fever United but to all the communities and organizations you help; to Father Mike for sharing Fever United vision for our youth; and to the Fever United families for always being who they are.
Fever United would like to thank St. Martin-in-the-Fields church for our partnership with them, to grow St. Martin’s Church and Fever United Soccer. In allowing us to use your land for soccer practice, you will never know how many lives you have touched, and especially mine. As we volunteer and help with your outreach programs in these communities, we realize quickly you may be small by site but huge in God’s work, and that I am thankful for. The first day I spoke to Father Mike, if he had not been a man of faith, growth, community service, I would not be standing here now. St. Martin’s members have been so kind, loving and supportive, and for that I am thankful, too.
Some of the best days of life haven’t happen yet. The best things and most beautiful things of this world can’t be seen or touched. They must be felt by the heart… and St. Martin-in-the-Fields Church, you have touched many hearts.
Thank you from the Fever United Soccer Club! God bless us all.
Thank you, Coach Smith and Fever. We are blessed!