We had a fantastic Italian feast at St. Martin’s on Sunday, March 5! Teens, families and adult volunteers gathered to offer a delicious luncheon of pasta, salad, French bread and sweet treats. The east parish hall was decked out with beautiful Italian decorations, and it was an affair to remember.
This event also raised $1602 to support youth ministry activities, an amount that truly blew away our teens and adults who worked so hard to prepare a beautiful luncheon. These funds will make mission trips, confirmation retreats and youth activities possible. The feast offered a wonderful way for folks to connect with our young people as they served lunch, and for folks to enjoy table fellowship and conversation over a hearty meal.
Many thanks go to the amazing Episcopal Youth Community families, adult volunteers and donors who made this event possible. The love and energy behind this event was truly a blessing and testament to a community centered on Christ’s love, service and fellowship.
Click or swipe through photos to see this event in action:
