Sundays at 10:30 am in the Parking Lot

We offer a live-streamed service on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am with Holy Communion for worshipers in their vehicles in our parking lot.
Parishioners are invited to drive-in to St. Martin’s, park, and while remaining in your vehicle, watch our service live on your tablet or smartphone, or listen on FM channel 87.9 on your radio. Following the Great Thanksgiving, our clergy and Eucharistic Ministers will come to the parking lot and distribute the Sacrament to each driver. Drivers will distribute the cups to others in the vehicle as needed.
We have special gluten-free communion cups that are all-in-one, and will never be handled without gloves and face masks worn. They will be consecrated, and when you get them, you simply take out the host first from the bottom section, and then unseal the top for the wine. These you’ll administer to yourself and your family. To see pictures of how this is done, click here, and scroll through the pictures at the top of the page. There are written instructions further down.
The communion cups will be collected as you leave the parking lot and taken to the Sacristy so they can be reverently cleaned and recycled.
What you should know about Drive-In Worship
- The church buildings will remain closed for now.
- Please leave one space between you and the next car on either side.
- Please stay in your car. Though we know you would like to see old friends, it’s important that we maintain physical distancing.
- Drivers must wear a mask when communion is administered for the safety of our liturgical ministers.
- You can connect to the church’s internet in the parking lot. Choose StMartinOutDoor. The WiFi password is: tLbwy&awy
- All communion hosts & wine are gluten free.
- Worship Online will continue to be available. We’ll livestream as well as record the service so you can still watch anytime.