We are pleased to share that Ms. Corrie Cabes has been admitted to the postulancy by Bishop Scott Mayer of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth. Postulancy is a time of preparation and discernment in a journey toward ordained ministry. We are excited for Corrie and for our church!
We are blessed to have Corrie serve as our youth minister and school chaplain as she explores a path that will lead to a robust theological education and that may lead to ordained ministry. Please congratulate her, please continue to support her ministry, and please continue to pray for her.
Everliving God, we praise you for the many ministries in your Church. Strengthen and sustain your servant Corrie; guide her and lead her; and grant that together we may follow Jesus Christ, offering to you our gifts and talents; through Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen
St. Martin’s member Mr. Ayo Omoniyi is also a postulant discerning a call toward ordained ministry.
Ordination process
The long discernment process in The Episcopal Church is not done alone, in private, but rather with the local rector, other groups and individuals in the wider Church. Corrie and Ayo are both postulants, the third step of the discernment process in our diocese, shown in orange in the diagram below. You can click through to more information: