Did you know that there are quite a few of St. Martin’s ministry groups meeting weekly using Zoom or other online tools? Want to get connected too? Here’s what’s happening online; click on any link to get more details!


8:30 am: Online Worship is posted each week and can be watched anytime.
9:30 am: Children’s Sunday School for pre-K through 5th grade.
11:30 am: Virtual Coffee Hour. Come “hang out” online with your coffee or tea and catch up with other St. Martin’s folks.
2 pm (2nd & 4th Sundays of the month through July 14): Episcopal Youth Community (EYC). Teens can catch up with each other while they explore the Bible together.
4 pm: Scouts. Our troop meets weekly to connect with and continue Scouting activities.


9 am: Morning Prayer. All are welcome to join a 15 minute daily Morning Prayer service.
1 pm: Sisters of the Spirit  is a group of women who meet weekly to read and discuss books of various topics.


9 am: Morning Prayer. All are welcome to join a 15 minute daily Morning Prayer service.
7:30 pm: Christian Formation: Meets to discuss the formation and implementation of ministries.


9 am: Morning Prayer. All are welcome to join a 15 minute daily Morning Prayer service.
12:30 pm: Staff Meeting. Our staff meets weekly to discuss the business of the church. While this is generally a closed meeting, if there’s anything you’d like to discuss with the staff, please let us know through email at staff@stmartininthefields.org
5:30 pm: Regather. This group was formed to help discern how and when our church will go about safely gathering again, in conjunction with The Diocese of Fort Worth and Bishop Mayer.
7 pm: Choir meets to practice music for worship.


9 am: Morning Prayer. All are welcome to join a 15 minute daily Morning Prayer service.
1 pm: Prayer Shawl continues it’s ministry of knitting/crocheting prayer shawls and other items to give to those in need of support. They meet weekly online to keep in touch while they work.


9 am: Morning Prayer. All are welcome to join a 15 minute daily Morning Prayer service.


The following are other groups that also meet occasionally, or monthly:
Spiritual Awareness: This group gathers to support and pray for one another as their schedules allow. 
Band of Moms. Moms of all ages are invited to meet and support each other through tough times and good! 
Vestry: monthly on the 3rd Sundays. If you would like to submit something for review by the vestry, please contact Father Ron Pogue at ron.pogue@stmartininthefields.org.
Rector Search Committee. Though COVID has halted some normal activity, the Search Committee is pressing on. Their meetings are private, but they update the church as needed. Updates are posted in our weekly emails.
Finance: Our finance team meets monthly to conduct the financial business of the church.
Outreach VBS Project : Bag Collection for 4Saints Pantry July 11.