What a success our Church Wide Work Day was, both inside and out! Children, youth, and church members, scouts from St. Martin’s Troop 937, and members from Fever United Soccer Club came together to clean up. Outside in the playground, they edged grass and did some general maintenance. Inside in the parish hall, they painted, cleaned, and moved furniture to the new library, choir practice and EYC rooms. Thank you to all who came out to support our church and Children and Youth programs!
Looking Forward
- The Children’s Ministry will soon announce a sale of preschool supplies.
- Christian Formation, Children’s and Youth Ministries, and weekly groups will look forward to their classrooms and meeting areas being ready for in person return.
- Please stay tuned for updates!
If you would like to help contribute in any way, please contact Children’s Minister Liza Goodner at liza.goodner@stmartininthefields.org.