Hello children and families, I pray you all had a good couple of weeks, and this newsletter finds you well. I miss you! Please note that the church staff are all still here for you if you need anything. If you need pastoral care, to pray for you or family, resources, or anything that you need at all, please let us know. All worship services are online and I am working on a system to get online education to you. We’re hoping to have an online lesson to you by Sunday morning, as we would normally meet! I will aim to post on this space as well. If you happen upon this newsletter and you are new and interested in plugging into St. Martin’s, please fill out a permission form on the link below and email me. I would like to know how to best reach you.
Children’s Registration
If you are new to our Sunday school or haven’t already filled out permission forms for your child, please fill out the forms today!
Stay tuned to children’s events throughout the year through weekly emails, weekly news, and Facebook. Please be sure to put your email address on your child’s registration form so that I can keep in touch with you throughout the Sunday School year! If you have any questions or I could be of service, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Liza Goodner, Children’s Minister
Children’s Happenings in April:
April Godly Play lessons:
Pre-K-3rd Grade
- April 5: Palm Sunday and Family Worship Service: Watch Fr. Ron Pogue’s sermon on St. Martin’s Facebook page
- April 12: Happy Easter! Watch Fr. Ron Pogue’s sermon on St. Martin’s Facebook page
- April 19: Godly Play: “Jesus and the Twelve”, Online from Teachers
- April 26: Godly Play: “The Synagogue and the Upper Room”, Online from Teachers
Grades 4-6
- April 5: Palm Sunday and Family Worship Service: Watch Fr. Ron Pogue’s sermon on St. Martin’s Facebook page
- April 12: Happy Easter! Watch Fr. Ron Pogue’s sermon on St. Martin’s Facebook page
- April 19: Weaving God’s Promises: “Jesus Ascends into Heaven”, Online from Teachers
- April 26: Weaving God’s Promises: “Come, Holy Spirit: the Holy Spirit at Pentecost”, Online from Teachers
Looking Ahead:
- Family Summer Nights on Wednesday’s. Summer Pool Parties with Youth Ministry and Families one to two times per month. Specific times TBD. Church Movie Nights, times TBD.
- Summer Sunday school starting May 31 (Pentecost), Godly Play and Episcopal Digital Network curriculum
- Vacation Bible School July 13-17 (includes outreach project for children and their families)